On this occasion, we will try to learn to create/add label/category descriptions and thank you notes at the bottom of each post or above the share button. Maybe you've seen a display like this on some well-known blogs such as the CB blog, Romelteamedia blog, and other blogs.
Please note, I actually took this tutorial from the code in my blog template (journalistic template) which I slightly modified using the svg icon and changing the sentence. After I tried to apply it to my other blogs with different templates, the results turned out to be more cool and interesting. In addition to the description of the label as a complement to navigation, the expression of gratitude is also a kind of appreciation from us blog owners to visitors who have taken the time to read the articles on our blog.
Well, for those of you who want to try installing it on your blog, please follow the steps below to implement it.
1. Open your blogger account.
2. Select the theme menu and click edit html.
3. Find the code <data:post.body/> and put the following code below it
<div id='rtmlabelthanks'>
<small><strong>Kategori:</strong> <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url + "?max-results=5"' expr:title='data:label.name' rel='tag nofollow'><data:label.name/></a><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>,</b:if>
<p><small><svg style='margin-bottom:-2px;width:15px;height:15px' viewBox='0 0 24 24'>
<path d='M23,10C23,8.89 22.1,8 21,8H14.68L15.64,3.43C15.66,3.33 15.67,3.22 15.67,3.11C15.67,2.7 15.5,2.32 15.23,2.05L14.17,1L7.59,7.58C7.22,7.95 7,8.45 7,9V19A2,2 0 0,0 9,21H18C18.83,21 19.54,20.5 19.84,19.78L22.86,12.73C22.95,12.5 23,12.26 23,12V10M1,21H5V9H1V21Z' fill='#3b5998'/>
</svg> Terima kasih telah membaca <b><data:post.title/></b>. Silahkan Bagikan...!</small></p>
Information :
- Number 5 is the number of posts per label on the index page view. Adjust to your blog's theme settings.
- You can change the sentences that I have marked in red using English or other sentences as you like.
4. Save the template again and see the result.
If you want to decorate it again, you can also add CSS styles to the script above, for example to add background, font settings, borders, box shadows, etc. For example I add the following CSS code above the code ]]></b:skin> or </style>
#rtmlabelthanks{padding:5px;background:#e4c0a8;font-size:15px;box-shadow:3px 3px 8px #777}